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The Causal AI conference is returning to London on 24 Sept-24, and it's bigger and better than ever.

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Research Papers

Mayo Clinic x causaLens: Towards Causal Analysis of Genetic Factors for Colorectal Cancer

Mayo Clinic and causaLens researchers leveraged Causal AI techniques and causal analysis to discover causal drivers of Colorectal Cancer. In […]

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Research Papers

Data Generating Process to Evaluate Causal Discovery Techniques for Time Series Data

causaLens’ NeurIPS 2020 paper sets out a framework for benchmarking causal discovery techniques time series data. causaLens researchers Andrew Lawrence, […]

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Research Papers

Domain Knowledge in A*-Based Causal Discovery

Causal discovery has become a vital tool for scientists and practitioners wanting to discover causal relationships from observational data. While most previous approaches to causal discovery have implicitly assumed

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Research Papers

Unsuitability of NOTEARS for Causal Graph Discovery

Many popular causal discovery algorithms have significant limitations in applied settings. causaLens’ Marcus Kaiser and Maksim Sipos show how one […]

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Research Papers

An Overview of the Methodologies of Causal Discovery

Until recently, discovering cause-and-effect relationships involved conducting a carefully controlled experiment or else relying on raw human intuition. Technological breakthroughs […]

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Research Papers

Equality of Effort via Algorithmic Recourse

AI systems are increasingly used in many socially significant applications, such as loan approval, hiring decisions, legal processes, and healthcare, sometimes encoding existing human

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Research Papers

Causal Analysis of the TOPCAT Trial: Spironolactone for Preserved Cardiac Function Heart Failure

Our Analysis of the TOPCAT Trial: Complex trials with heterogeneities in the data pose a significant challenge for traditional techniques […]

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Research Papers

A Causal Analysis of Harm

Defining harm is essential for dealing with the many legal and regulatory issues around the growing integration of autonomous systems in society. Consider, for example, the question of harm in accidents involving self-driving cars.

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Research Papers

On Testing for Discrimination Using Causal Models

causaLens’ own Hana Chockler in collaboration with Cornell’s Joe Halpern set out novel causal methods for detecting discrimination. The paper, […]

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