Macroeconomic research powered by Causal AI
Institutional investors that enhance their research process can achieve transformational results: they are 2x more likely to achieve top quartile performance and can realize cost efficiencies of 25%.
Are you thinking about or asking your teams questions like:
- How should we increase our research bandwidth to uncover more insights?
- How can we more efficiently combine statistical models with market experience?
- How can we achieve greater research coverage with a limited budget?
You are not alone. The answers require an understanding of the world as noisy, highly interconnected, and constantly changing. The world’s leading institutional investors are moving on from traditional approaches and turning to Causal AI to unlock an understanding of each step of their investment process. At causaLens, we have pioneered a new category of intelligent machines that understand cause and effect.
Access the webinar to learn:
- How Causal AI enables models to accurately & transparently represent today’s complex world
- How Causal AI can deliver on the promise of explainable models using both market expertise and sophisticated algorithms
- How economists, researchers and portfolio managers can evaluate causal drivers with a demo of causaLens’ macro forecasting Decision App
0:00: Intro and increasing breadth of insights
2:06: Forecasting Inflation
3:40: Four common challenges to do more research
5:40 What are causal diagrams?
8:40 Edge activations functions can be non-linear
9:43: A causal diagram of an investment managers business
11:22: Applications of causal AI for asset managers
13:00: overview of demo
14:38: Demo
29:08: Other uses of causal AI in Asset Management
29:57: Solving the four common challenges to do more research