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The Causal AI conference is returning to London on 24 Sept-24, and it's bigger and better than ever.

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Maximizing Customer Retention with Causal AI

Customer retention is nothing new, but it has always been an area savvy marketers and marketing leaders have looked to…

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4 Reasons Your Organization Doesn’t Trust Artificial Intelligence

Chances are your organization doesn’t trust AI systems to support business-critical decisions. Why not? In a nutshell, today’s machine learning…

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The Attribution Dilemma

Customer retention is nothing new, but it has always been an area savvy marketers and marketing leaders have looked to…

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Zillow — A Cautionary Tale of Machine Learning

Real estate listing platform Zillow has been making headlines for the wrong reasons — $10B of market capitalization wiped out…

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Deep learning has a small data problem

Whatever one thinks about deep learning achieving general intelligence in the long run, it is falling short when it comes…

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Incoming EU Regulations on AI: FAQs

Any company that deploys models that are considered high risk will be held accountable. Companies breaching the rules face fines…

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causaLens wins grants to accelerate deployment of breakthrough AI for social good

The creator of the world’s first causal AI platform, has won two consecutive grants from Innovate UK and Erasmus+.

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Incoming EU regulations on Enterprise AI: why you need to prioritize the adoption of Causal AI

Incoming EU regulations on Enterprise AI: why you need to […]

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causaLens discusses the benefits of interpretable AI systems, like Causal AI, in the context of new AI regulations

Dr. Franca talks about how the existing machine learning systems act as “black-boxes”— in which the exact reasons for a…

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causaLens discusses the new EU proposal on AI regulation

Dr. Andre Franca, Director of Applied Data Science at causaLens gets quoted by the Wall Street Journal

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causaLens featured in The Fintech Times

Dr. Hana Chockler, previously an Associate Professor at King’s College London with more than two decades of research experience in…

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Why machine learning “succeeds” in development but fails in deployment

At a glance… The pandemic has exposed weaknesses in conventional […]

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causaLens is building the world’s largest Causal AI lab and appoints Dr Hana Chockler as Principal Investigator

News: causaLens is build the world’s largest Causal AI lab and appoints leading academic as Principal Investigator

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causaLens featured alongside other leading AI scaleups

Information Age profiles UK’s leading AI startup and scale up businesses. causaLens co-founder and CEO shares insight into running an…

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Finance leaders deploy causaLens to boost profitability

Major financial organisations deploy pioneering Causal AI platform to discover key causal insights and generate more profitable trading strategies.

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